Wist u dat de gemeente Voorschoten ouders met een laag inkomen financieel kan helpen om kinderen te laten sporten? Kijk op de site van de gemeente bij Stichting Leergeld of Kindpakket.
Overige regels
Every member up to the age of 17 or recreational player is entitled to use 1 outfit against payment of a deposit of €30 and an annual rent of €21.50.
Every member aged 18 and over buys their own outfit (overshirt and trousers) from the supplier specified by HSV Adegeest
(currently: SSK, Heulweg 128 B – 2295 KK Kwintsheul Tel: 0031-(0)174-501888 E-mail: info@sskeurope.com -
The contribution of recreational/training members is (depending on age) half of a “normal” contribution rounded up to whole euros. When recreational or training members play matches or tournaments they do so in the prescribed outfit of the association.
A non-playing member or donor may decide for themselves how much they wish to donate to the association, with a minimum of €65.
A sponsor member is a person, whose membership is paid by a company. The sponsor membership is 1.5 * the total amount rounded up to whole euros.
For memberships during the season, contribution arrangements and agreements are made exclusively with the treasurer.